vrijdag 9 mei 2008

Finally: Stacker Formula Launched and Live!

It's Stacker Time!
It took awhile, bit it's live now: Stacker Formula - Eric Louviere's long awaited internet marketing program that is designed to get you on a $4K a month income level.
Or more.

And guess what…
Mr. Louviere surprised us again.

Remember there was some confusion over the price?
Not any more.
I guess you’ve heard or read that $299 would have been a realistic price level for this amazing product. Fact is, Eric decided to do something weird.
Really weird.

You don’t have to pay $299.
In fact, you don’t even have to pay $199, $149, $99, or $79…

Eric Louviere must have been seriously distracted, busy or feverish when he decided to settle for $67…

And that’s just surprise #1.

Here is surprise #2:
you can even get in for F R E E.

Yep. That's $0. Nada.

I guess you'll understand there is a lot to tell. In fact too much for a single blog post. So I deciced to keep this short and simple.

I suggest you visit Stacker Formula where you'll be given a choice after you've filled in the form: Silver Membership (comes with a cool bonus!) for $0 or a Gold Membership with access to all the Stacker Formula training materials.

But… if you first want to know more, visit my Stacker Formula Blog and spend some time reading what Stacker Formula is all about, the training materials and how Stacker Formula will make you $4K a month. Or more.

There you’ll also find out why I’m a bit disappointed in Mr. Louviere…

donderdag 1 mei 2008

Stacker Formula vs The Lottery Mindset

The Lottery Mindset is the mindset where people (especially those who are not making jack online) believe they can toss up a site today, drive traffic to and earn $600 per day by tomorrow.

If you believe that, then I'm extremely sorry to disappoint you and I would expect you to return to your normal scheduled program, of checking your emails for the latest and greatest bullshit that's ever hit the market.

However, if you realize and understand that you can generate a few hundred dollars on a consistent basis, then expand the formula to a few thousand on a consistent basis, then several thousand on a consistent basis, then hundreds of thousands on a consistent basis, then you're surely at the right place and at the right time to make all of that a complete reality.

With all of this in mind, can you go out and cash in fast, within a week and be making hundreds consistently? You bet you can!

But, where are you with your online business journey? Is this your first look at Internet Marketing and you're wondering how to actually make money online?

Maybe you've never sold a thing online. Maybe you barely know what Internet Marketing even is.

Maybe you just make a few hundred per month or have even reached a couple thousand here and there. Or, maybe you're hovering around 2 to 3k per month and want to hit the six figure mark!

Well, if any of that is you, then this is what you are looking for. Period.

Do you nail down six figures consistently? If so, then Stacker Formula could help you expand on that and perhaps reach seven figures.

All in all, Stacker Formula is not what you are used to seeing out there on the market. It is not what you have seen before. It is not rehashed crap that gets hammered all over the place.

It is what I do to earn huge cash online by following a systematic process. And so should you, using the four modules of Stacker Formula.

Stacker Formula: Step By Step to $4K/month

You have to learn to walk before you can run, right? Stacker Formula will not just show you how to run, it teaches you to run fast.

You see, Stacker Formula is not an ebook, a series of audio files or a bunch of video’s. Within the system, there are 4 modules. Each with its own specifics, goals and starting point. Stacker Formula is a system. A proven system. A system that will get you on a $4K a month level as fast as possible.

Why that's important? Because at that level, most people are able to quit their job and dedicate more time to their online business, making more, way more, than 4K a month.

Hard? Not really.
But it ain't easy either.

Most import: it takes time, hard work, dedication and it helps if you can do with less sleep :)

Here is the point. Just start. Just do it. Just start with Module 1 and take it step by step. Don’t expect to make 4K in your first month. Probably not even in your second month..

I hear you: then how good is this ‘system’.
It isn’t good. It’s great.

But your results will very much depend on how much time and energy you are ready to invest. Putting in 20 hours a week, will get you faster to 4K then putting in 10 hours a week.

Makes sense huh?

Actually, that’s what makes Stacker Formula what it is: it's system that makes sense. Just follow the modules, take it step by step, and you’ll get there.