vrijdag 9 mei 2008

Finally: Stacker Formula Launched and Live!

It's Stacker Time!
It took awhile, bit it's live now: Stacker Formula - Eric Louviere's long awaited internet marketing program that is designed to get you on a $4K a month income level.
Or more.

And guess what…
Mr. Louviere surprised us again.

Remember there was some confusion over the price?
Not any more.
I guess you’ve heard or read that $299 would have been a realistic price level for this amazing product. Fact is, Eric decided to do something weird.
Really weird.

You don’t have to pay $299.
In fact, you don’t even have to pay $199, $149, $99, or $79…

Eric Louviere must have been seriously distracted, busy or feverish when he decided to settle for $67…

And that’s just surprise #1.

Here is surprise #2:
you can even get in for F R E E.

Yep. That's $0. Nada.

I guess you'll understand there is a lot to tell. In fact too much for a single blog post. So I deciced to keep this short and simple.

I suggest you visit Stacker Formula where you'll be given a choice after you've filled in the form: Silver Membership (comes with a cool bonus!) for $0 or a Gold Membership with access to all the Stacker Formula training materials.

But… if you first want to know more, visit my Stacker Formula Blog and spend some time reading what Stacker Formula is all about, the training materials and how Stacker Formula will make you $4K a month. Or more.

There you’ll also find out why I’m a bit disappointed in Mr. Louviere…

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