dinsdag 29 april 2008

Stacker Formula - The Buzz

Stacker Formula is created by Eric Louviere. If you don't know who that is, I suggest you Google his name and see what he is all about.

In a few words: Eric Louviere is one of the worlds most successful internet marketers. And what's even more important when we are talking about internet marketing: he is not just a good marketer, but also a great teacher and a dedicated mentor.

I know. I've been working with Eric for over a year now.

With the release of Stacker Formula, Eric makes his teaching, his knowledge and his experience available for a bigger audience.

Stacker Formula is not just an ebook or some audio files. Problem is, I can’t even begin to tell you what this program is all about. I suggest you go to Stacker Formula and let Eric explain himself.

Don’t forget to signs up for the notification list at the bottom of that page. Not only will you get an alert when Stacker Formula goes live, but you’ll also receive a bonus called “Tapping Eric’s Brain”.

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